Differentiate and add the digits of three digit number

 Here, the code of differentiate and add the digits of a three-digit number entered by the user.


//The task is to add the digits of three digit number ,that is input by the user.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int a, b, c, d, e, sum = 0;  //variable declaration

printf("Enter a three digit number:");

scanf("%d", &a); // The user input the 3 digit number

b = a / 100; //first digit

c = a % 100; //last 2 digits

d = c / 10;  //middle digit

e = c % 10;  //last digit

sum = b + d + e;

printf("\nThe indvidual digits are : %d\t%d\t%d", b, d, e);

printf("\nThe sum is :%d\n", sum); //sum of 3 digits will appear on screen.


return 0;



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