Draw Triangles
Here,the code of the draw two triangles by taking input of numbers of rows from the user.
/*This program can correctly print the both triangles till 10 rows.
And in this program all the variable names are appropriate and can be easily understand*/
#include <stdio.h>
int factorial(int); //This is factorial function.
int main(){
int singlerow = 0; //This variable is for single row. And it will print each row continuously.
int noofrows = 0; //This variable is for user input. Means what no of rows want to print?
int beforetrianglespaces = 0; //This variable used to print spaces before each line of triangle.
int n = 0; //As in formula, it is same variable. And it is for rows number.
int k = 0; //As in formula, it is same variable. And it is for each row and it start from 0 and end to number of row which is presently continue.
int c = 0; //As in formula, it is same variable. And it is answer after calculation of n and k.
int factn, factk, nminusk, factnminusk; //These variables used for taking factorials of n, k and (n-k).
printf("This program gives two unique triangles and these triangles have number of rows that user want for triangle !");
printf("\nEnter the no of rows: ");
scanf("%d", &noofrows); //user input
//First triangle: which has shape as c(n,k)
for (singlerow = 0; singlerow < noofrows; singlerow++) //for no of rows
for (beforetrianglespaces = 1; beforetrianglespaces <= (noofrows - singlerow); beforetrianglespaces++) // for spaces before each line
printf("%3c", ' ');
for (n = singlerow, k = 0; k <= singlerow; k++) // for printing the linese of triangle one by one.
printf("c(%d,%d) ", n, k);
//Second triangle: which used formula of combination
int trianglespaces; //this variable used to print number of spaces before each line of triangle.
trianglespaces = 4 * noofrows; //I do this to increase the number of spaces.
for (singlerow = 0; singlerow < noofrows; singlerow++) //for number of rows
trianglespaces = trianglespaces - 3; //i did it to decrease the spaces before each line of triangle.
for (beforetrianglespaces = 1; beforetrianglespaces <= trianglespaces; beforetrianglespaces++) //for spaces before each line of triangle
printf("%c", ' ');
for (n = singlerow, k = 0; k <= singlerow; k++) //In this loop formula of combination is used. And it will print each line of triangle.
//Here, formula is using.
factn = factorial(n);
factk = factorial(k);
nminusk = n - k;
factnminusk = factorial(nminusk);
c = factk*factnminusk;
c = factn / c;
//c is answer (of n and k) after calculation.
if (c<10) //For number less than 10. And it is to adjust the spaces in triangle
printf("%d ", c);
else if (c<100) //For number less than 100. And it is to adjust the spaces in triangle
printf("%d ", c);
else if (c<1000) //For number less than 1000. And it is to adjust the spaces in triangle
printf("%d ", c);
return 0;
int factorial(int num) //Factorial function defination.
int y;
int x;
if (num >= 1)
x = 1;
for (y = 1; y <= num; y++)
x = x*y;
else if (num == 0)
x = 1;
return x;
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