To check strong number in c program

 Strong number

The sum of the individual digit factorial is equal to the number itself is known as a strong number.For example, 145 is a strong number.

Here is the code of the strong number.



int factorial(int);        // declaration of factorial function

int factorial(int i)


int factorial= 1;

int fact = 1;

for (fact = 1; fact <= i; fact++)

factorial = factorial*fact;



int main()


int num = 0;         //to store user input

int digit1 = 0;

int temp = 0;

int digit2 = 0;

int digit3 = 0;

int strong = 0;

char choice ;         // variable to continue or break

                //This loop will continue till the user pressing y and othewise it will break

while (1){

printf("Enter the number, to check whether it is strong number or not :  ");

scanf("%d", &num);

digit1 = num / 100;

temp = num % 100;

digit2 = temp / 10;

digit3 = temp % 10;

strong = factorial(digit1) + factorial(digit2) + factorial(digit3);

if (strong == num)

printf("\nAnd this (%d) is strong number.", num);

else if (strong != num)

printf("\nAnd this (%d) is not strong number.", num);

printf("\nIf you want to continue, press y :  ");

scanf(" %c", &choice);

if (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y')






return 0;



Enter the number, to check whether it is strong number or not :  145

And this (145) is strong number.

If you want to continue, press y :  y

Enter the number, to check whether it is strong number or not :  131

And this (131) is not strong number.


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