How to find the square root in python
Python program to find the square root
In this program,you will about the python program how to find the square root of any number
by two method:
By using exponent function
By using the cmath module.
For understand the program you have the knowledge:
Python input,output.
Python data types.
Python operators.
Example for square root of positive number
# Python Program to calculate the square root for positive number
number = 10
number_sqrt = number ** 0.5
print('square root %0.3f is %0.3f'%(number ,number_sqrt))
square root 10.000 is 3.162
In the above program,value is store in the number variable and then exponent with help ** operator
with power 0.5(½) store in the number_sqrt variable.At the end of the program,display with
help of print function.
Example for For real and complex number:
Source code:
import cmath
number = 2+2j
number_sqrt = cmath.sqrt(number)
print('square root {0} = {1:0.3f}+{2:0.3f}j'
.format(number ,number_sqrt.real,number_sqrt.imag))
In the above example,import the library cmath and store the complex number
in the number variable .Use the cmath.sqrt( ) function to find the square root.
Display with help of print function.
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