c++ file handling

File Handling in c++ In this article, you will learn about file handling in the cpp language, How to create the file in c++, How to open in c++, How to write,and How to close in c++. Why we need file handling in c++? Storing the data in the device or anywhere is important. In the same way cpp provide the facility to store the data in the files. After storing data, stored data is used as an instruction. Files are used to store the data on the device permanently. How to use file handling in c++? C++ provides the three following classes to perform the input and output operation from the files => of stream => ifstream => fstream We already used the istream and ostream for cin and cout in the program. In the same way,ifstream and ofstream is used for the input and output from the file. The only difference between iostream and fstream is that fstream is to